
Indications for Urgent Outpatient Care for Adults and Children

2025 01 06

Indications for Urgent Outpatient Care for Adults and Children

Indications for Urgent Outpatient Care

For Adults For Children
Fever Fever > 38°C lasting more than 72 hours. Fever > 37.8°C lasting longer than 24 hours and not relieved by antipyretics, except in infants.
Pain Pain rated 4–6 or higher and not relieved by maximum medication doses. Acute pain not relieved by analgesics.
Acute pain and discomfort during urination (dysuria).
Injuries Injuries > 48 hours old with increasing pain and swelling; minor bruises (imaging not required).
Superficial eye infections lasting more than 48 hours.
Superficial eye infections lasting more than 48 hours.
Allergies Progressive acute allergic reactions with rash and itching, without signs of anaphylaxis. Acute allergic reaction with rash and swelling, without anaphylaxis.
Newly developed and spreading rash within 24 hours.
Digestive Issues Acute nausea, vomiting (>5 times/24 hours), or diarrhea (>10 times/24 hours) without systemic intoxication signs. Acute or recurrent vomiting and/or diarrhea without signs of dehydration.
Foreign Bodies Superficial foreign bodies.
Burns Minor burns (without circumferential burns, respiratory tract injuries, or injuries to the face, neck, perineum, or joints, and no high-energy trauma). Minor burns (without circumferential burns, respiratory tract injuries, or injuries to the face, neck, perineum, or joints, and no high-energy trauma).
Animal Bites Animal bites and scratches not requiring surgical treatment. Minor animal bites not requiring surgical treatment or rabies prophylaxis.
Heart Issues Heart rhythm disturbances lasting longer than 48 hours without anticoagulants, and cardioversion cannot be performed.
Acute Cough Acute cough and hoarseness during infection without respiratory failure.
Wound Care Wound dressing after surgical interventions where no further surgical treatment is required. Superficial wounds not requiring surgical intervention.
Sick Leave Issuance of a sick leave certificate for the first time due to acute illness or care of a sick child. Issuance of a sick leave certificate for the first time due to acute illness or care of a sick child.
Tick Bites Tick bites within the last 24 hours without signs of early infection.
Information Updated 2025-01-07 08:56