
A new team member

2024 07 07

A new team member
Since July 1 of this year, a new specialist – occupational therapist Ernesta Bacevičienė – has joined the home-based team of the outpatient nursing services at the Alytus District Municipality PHC.
The goal of the occupational therapy specialty is to help patients regain independence after an injury, serious illness, or those with intellectual or developmental disorders, aiming to engage them in activities that restore lost functions and help them adapt to daily life. It is important for the occupational therapist that, despite illness or disability, a person remains as independent as possible and can participate in familiar and meaningful activities.
The specialist will also advise on how to adapt the work and home environment and assist in selecting assistive devices.
The need for occupational therapy services is individually determined by the general practitioner nurse of the nursing team.
Information Updated 2024-11-11 14:25